Energy 4 Businesses

134 Blog Entries
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Date Title Summary
12-08-2014 Season of Giving Giving back to our community is important to High Voltage which is why we have a chosen charity that we support throughout the year.
11-25-2014 Holiday Cooking and Energy Savings

Keep your energy costs down this holiday season with these kitchen tips.

11-12-2014 Holiday Lighting Tips

Holiday lights add a festive mood to your home, and you can be energy-efficient and safe by using the right methods. 

11-08-2014 Daylight Saving Time and Energy

Daylight Saving Time is constantly evolving with two sides debating the importance of DST.

10-29-2014 Fracking is a Big Ballot Issue in Texas

To ban or not to ban fracking in Denton, TX is a big issue on Tuesday's ballot with oil and gas industry putting big money behind the opposing position.

10-22-2014 How Your Business Can Save Money

Business owners are looking for ways to cut back on spending.  There are many ways a business can save just by cutting back on electricity useage.  Here are a few tips to become more energy efficient in the office.

10-10-2014 Spooky Fun Without A Frightening Energy Bill

Make this Halloween a fun and safe night for all while keeping the scare out of your energy bill by following these simple tips.

10-02-2014 Winterize Your Home

October is the perfect month to make sure your home is winter ready.

09-24-2014 Rockefellers Move to Clean Energy

A day before the UN Summit Hearing on climate change, the Rockefellers announce they will divest funds from fossil fuels and move toward clean energy.

09-17-2014 National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month - how prepared are you if disaster strikes?

09-12-2014 2015 Texas Golden Glove Ticket Sponsor

High Voltage is excited to announce our sponsorship with the 2015 Texas Golden Gloves

08-27-2014 Q & A on Electric Choice

Questions and Answers on Electric Choice

08-18-2014 Lights Out On Edison

Edison bulbs are a trend, but they are not earth-friendly.  Is it time to turn the lights out on Edison?

08-06-2014 Look for the ENERGY STAR Logo

It's time to trade out the energy-sucking conventional appliances in your home for the energy and environmental-friendly ENERGY STAR appliances, saving you money in the long run.