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Battle of the Buildings

Posted on 01-23-2015

All across the country, over 5,500 businesses are ramping up for the Sixth-Annual EPA's Battle of the Buildings Competition.  From retail spaces to hospitals, warehouses to schools, these buildings mean business when it comes to trimming down their "waste"-line with the help of ENERGY STAR.

Since 2010, when the EPA started its very first EPA ENERGY STAR National Building Competition, businesses have found ways to cut energy and water waste.  Not only have these businesses saved money, but they have helped to shrink the size of their carbon footprint.  Claiborne Elementary School won the 2013 challenge.  They reduced energy by 45.9% giving them an estimated savings of $294,300.  Greenhouse gas emissions prevented by the school was 490 metric tons.

The 2014 battle includes teams for the energy portion of the challenge.  Competitors track their monthly energy useage with EPA's online energy measurement and tracking tool, ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.  The building that shows the biggest reduction in their average energy useage over a 12-month period takes the title.  In addition to the team challenge, 700 individual buildings are competing in water reduction challenge, working with EPA's WaterSense program.  The winner will be announced in April 2015.

If your business is interested in the 2015 Battle of the Buildings, visit the ENERGY STAR registration page EPA ENERGY STAR Building Competition.

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