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Look for the ENERGY STAR Logo

Posted on 08-06-2014

You know the drill: turn off lights when you leave the room, shut down your computer at night, and turn the air conditioner up when you leave home.  But, what is the best strategy to decreasing your household energy bill? Purchase Energy Star appliances.  An energy efficient appliance runs on less energy and water compared to a conventional appliance. That means a nice savings for you.  As a matter of fact, in its lifetime, an Energy Star appliance can save a household over $1000.

Washing machines use 35 percent less water and 25 percent less energy.

Another benefit to using Energy Star appliances is the impact it has on the environment.  If every American home would opt for energy efficient appliances, we could eliminate 25 power plants, according to American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.  Think of what an impact we could have on cutting air pollution with 25 less power plants in this country.  In addition, Uncle Sam is willing to reward households who are doing their part in saving our environment by purchasing energy efficient appliances with tax credits. 

Recycling your conventional appliances helps our environment and gets cash in your hand.

Energy Star models are the most energy efficient appliances, exceeding the government’s minimum on energy efficiency.  With the savings in your utility bills and the tax credits being offered, you are saving money over the long run with Energy Star appliances.

Check Energy Star’s website for current rebates being offered by Energy Star partners.

Did You Know?

One lightning strike can generate 100 million to 1 billion volts of electricity and the temperature of a typical lightning bolt is hotter than the surface of the sun! The air within a lightning strike can reach 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit and its path can become five times hotter than the surface of the sun.

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