Fracking is a Big Ballot Issue in Texas
Posted on 10-29-2014
If you live in the Denton, Texas area, you have certainly seen the advertising for voting against the ban on fracking. Companies such as XTO Energy, Devon Energy and EnerVest each donated $120,000 toward the campaign of Denton Taxpayers for a Strong Economy.
On the other side of the debate is the group, Frack Free Denton, which has gained their biggest contribution from the enviornmental group out of Washington, Earthworks. Frack Free Denton's Pass the Ban has taken to social media for their cause, and Earthworks set up a specific donation page for Frack Free Denton.
According to a recent article in Fort Worth's Star Telegram, there is a big concern that if the ban passes, this will spread across Barnett Shale communities in Texas. Ed Ireland, Head of the Barnett Shale Energy Education Council, said the groups who are very vocal on opposing the fracking ban express how the ban is bad for the city and bad for the state of Texas.
Which ever side you stand with, the two sides in the fracking controversy shows how powerful voting can be when it comes to issues you believe in and take a strong stance on. As Texans, as Americans, be educated on the ballot issues. Most importantly...GO VOTE!
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