Success Stories

Since 2003 we have provided valuable insight to businesses customers on their utility expenses. Here is some of the feedback we received....

High Voltage and their staff is very knowledgeable and attentive to the needs of our business. We have been a client since 2014 and quite pleased with our service.


Property Management


High Voltage reviewed our existing agreement and was able to reduce our electric bills by $18,000.


Restaurant Industry


As a large industrial plastics company, electricity is the fourth largest expense in our budget. High Voltage has provided guidance and excellent service since 2004 providing procurement and bill review services for our locations.


Industrial Plastics


High Voltage has been extremely helpful with our energy procurement working in multiple states throughout the country. High Voltage brings multiple offers to the table and provides a single point pf contact for all communication. Their services and creativity are top-notch.


Correctional Facilities Operator


Did You Know?

Energy in motion is called Kinetic Energy. Electricity is kinetic energy because even though you can't see it happen, electricity involves electrons moving in a conductor.

As an independent third party we represent the best interests of our client and not the interests of any one supplier.