Energy 4 Businesses

Date Title Summary
10-29-2014 Fracking is a Big Ballot Issue in Texas

To ban or not to ban fracking in Denton, TX is a big issue on Tuesday's ballot with oil and gas industry putting big money behind the opposing position.

10-22-2014 How Your Business Can Save Money

Business owners are looking for ways to cut back on spending.  There are many ways a business can save just by cutting back on electricity useage.  Here are a few tips to become more energy efficient in the office.

10-10-2014 Spooky Fun Without A Frightening Energy Bill

Make this Halloween a fun and safe night for all while keeping the scare out of your energy bill by following these simple tips.

10-02-2014 Winterize Your Home

October is the perfect month to make sure your home is winter ready.

Did You Know?

The Moon is very hot during the day but very cold at night. The average surface temperature of the Moon is 224 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and -243 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

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