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Lighting Up Pink for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Posted on 10-16-2017

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and many companies partner with Susan G. Komen to help raise money and awareness for breast cancer.  Feit Electric Partners is one of those companies who joined in the fight with Susan G. Komen by creating the A19/TPK/LED/SGK Susan G. Komen pink light bulb.  The company has also pledged to donate $50,000 to Susan G. Komen this year, regardless of sales of the bulb.

The Susan G. Komen bulb has a clear outter glass with a filament that glows pink when turned on.  The bulb gives off a beautifully colored light that is dimmable.  It uses only 4.5 watts of electricity making it energy efficient and friendly to the environment. The Komen bulb is sold exclusively at Home Depot.  It is designed for indoor and outdoor use.

Find out more from Feit Electric Partners:

Did You Know?

High Voltage partners with Safe Haven of Tarrant County, Texas to fight domestic violence. In 2013 High Voltage launched a utility fund to assist women in transitional housing to help pay their monthly electric bills.

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