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Helping Teachers Teach

Posted on 01-26-2016

Let's face it, where would we be without great teachers?  So, when High Voltage discovered a website that allows teachers to ask for help funding classroom projects and school supplies, we certainly wanted to help get the word out.  Teachers have a limited budget and often spend their own money on classroom materials. was created by Charles Best, a history teacher in Bronx public high school.  The idea came to Best while he was making photocopies from one book of Little House on the Prairie for his students to read.  Best knew he and his colleagues were spending their own money to supply their students with such materials and knew people would be willing to help if they only knew how to help. His idea for a website where teachers could post their requests for supplies so that people could choose which classroom to help has grown to include every public school in the United States.

On you will be able to search by school, city, and/or category.  You will find requests like student desks, baking supplies, books, and bouncing balls.  Each classroom has the amount needed for supplies and how much money is still needed.  This is a great way to help our teachers.  So far, the website has funded 683, 947 projects.  

Click here to find a classroom >>

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