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Hotels Opting For INNCOM

Posted on 02-12-2015

You can't see them when you're in your hotel room, but thumb size sensors are monitoring you when you are in your hotel room.  Why are hotels keeping tabs on you?  It is a new way for hotels to save on energy as well as reduce their carbon footprint via motion sensor thermostats such as INNCOM by Honeywell.

Small sensors are placed on doors of hotel rooms that monitor when a guest opens the door to leave or enters the room.  In addition, software and other tiny sensors scan the guest room to detect if people are inside the room.  These small sensors are telling the HVAC system to turn on or off based on occupancy of the room.  This is different from a programmable thermostat which works on a schedule.  Guests are able to adjust the thermostat to their desired temperature while in the room, but when a guest leaves, the thermostat will reset to the hotel's default temperature.  

The amount of savings a hotel can have from devices like INNCOM depends on the size of the room, the difference in temperature settings while the guest is in versus out of the room, and how long the guest stays gone.  Obviously, when guests stay out of the room for most of the day, a hotel will see a greater savings.

From economy motels to luxury hotels, motion sensor thermostats are saving hotels money. Heating and cooling rooms are a big part of overhead.  With motion sensor thermostats, unrented rooms can run colder or warmer than normal, helping to save on the bottom line.  The device can cost $400 per room, but the savings will pay for that device within about four years. The hotel saves money while keeping their guests happy and comfortable in each guest room.  

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