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Planting Around Power Lines

Posted on 04-19-2022

With Earth Day and Arbor Day being in April, many people will be planting trees this month.  Power lines should be taken in consideration when finding a good location for your new tree.  There are dangers and risks involved with planting a tree too close to power lines.  

If a tree grows too close to power lines, it can produce shock and fire hazards.  If limbs are growing into lines, there's a possibility of electric shock to one trimming those limbs.  Children should never climb trees that are too close to power lines as they, too, can become victim of electric shocks.

Trees that have branches touching power lines can also cause power outages as well as power interruptions.  Any sparking from a wire onto a tree branch can cause a fire.  It's best to contact your utility company if you have any mature trees that are near or touching electrical wires instead of attempting to trim the branches yourself.

Some things to consider when planting a new tree:

  • Consider the location of any underground utility services.  Tree roots grow wide and can damage underground cables and wires.  Have your local utility company mark with flags the location of any underground utilities.

  • Find out the height of a tree at it's maturity.  You will want to keep the tree 25 feet from power lines.  A tree with a height of 15 feet is recommended if near a power line.

Trees provide a beautiful landscape, cooling shade in the summer months, and cleaner air.  With professional help in designating a safe location for your trees, you will enjoy the benefits for years.

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