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Commercial Energy Audit

Posted on 03-21-2022

Spring is finally here, and with that, you should consider getting your commercial building an energy audit.  An energy audit can help identify problems and what should be fixed to help with energy useage problems which will cut energy costs for you.

So, what does an energy audit actually do?

An energy auditor will come to your business and do a walk through and around the building to get a complete an energy efficiency assessment on the commercial building.  Your heating and cooling system will be analyzed as well as wall insulation levels.  Measurements and count of all doors and windows will be taken.

Another test will be the airtightness test where the door in the building is sealed off and a large fan placed in the building will be powered on.  This will pull outside air in if there are any cracks or holes in the walls.

Energy auditors make use of great equipment such as surface thermometers, infrared cameras, leak detectors as well as meters.  

Have your past energy bills handy for the energy auditor to view.

An energy audit is important to provide you with safety measures needed for your business, a better way for you to use energy in your business, and show you how you can save money by making improvements.


photo:  Nick Youngson

Did You Know?

Today the United States is the second largest producer of hydropower - Canada being the largest. There are 75,185 dams in the U.S. but less than 3 percent are used for hydroelectric generation. Between 8 and 12 percent of U.S. electrical generation is produced by hydropower and only about one-fifth of the electricity produced around the world.

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