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Survive A Winter Power Outage

Posted on 02-11-2021

An arctic blast has hit much of the country this week, leaving many in the cold.  It can be a dangerous time for those relying on electricity to heat their homes.  We've turned to some survival guide sites to find some tips for how to keep you and your family warm when the power goes out.

Close off rooms

You want to stay close together in one room to generate heat.  The minute you lose power, close off all rooms in the home by shutting doors.  Place towels or any material to seal off doors that lead to the outside in order to keep any draft from coming in.  Try to keep your family in a small room with the fewest windows.

Seal windows

You can use duck tape, electrical tape and plastic to seal off windows where more than likely air is able to pass through.  Keep blinds and curtains closed.  If you don't have curtains, hang any exra blankets you won't need over windows.  If the sun is shinging through the daytime hours, let the light come in to help warm the room.  Otherwise, keep the window blocked, especially at night.

Layer clothes

You want to be comfortable and able to move, so use basic layers such as activewear under sweatshirts.  If the house starts getting really cold, then you can bulk up with coats, ski wear, gloves, etc.  

Where there's fire

If you have a wood burning fireplace, use it to warm up liquids for hot cocoa, coffee, tea, soups to keep raise your internal temperature.  Avoid drinking any cold beverages.  

Burn candles 

They won't produce a lot of heat, but they will help when you can safely burn a few candles in the room you're staying.  Be sure not to leave any burning candles during the night when everyone falls asleep and forgets to blow the candles out.

Snow into water

If you don't have running water, bring in (clean) buckets of snow to melt into water.  But, remember to keep going in and out to a minimum to reduce the amount of cold air coming in.

Hopefully, you have prepared in advance for a power outage by having things from hand warmers to a generator on hand.  But, if you find yourself without these things, use the above tips to get you through the worst of the storm. 



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