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Memorial Day 2019

Posted on 05-27-2019

What was once called Decoration Day in order to commemorate those who died in the Civil War, we know the day as Memorial Day.  On the first official Memorial Day, a ceremony was held in the Arlington National Cemetary where flowers where flowers were placed on headstones.  Today, American flags are put on veteran's graves across the country.  And, in the year 2000, The National Moment of Remembrance was initiated where Americans take a moment of silence at 3:00 p.m. to honor those who gave their lives in all the wars.  

We honor and salute every single man and woman who gave their lives for the many freedoms we have in America.  You are all American heroes.  God bless America!

Did You Know?

Today the United States is the second largest producer of hydropower - Canada being the largest. There are 75,185 dams in the U.S. but less than 3 percent are used for hydroelectric generation. Between 8 and 12 percent of U.S. electrical generation is produced by hydropower and only about one-fifth of the electricity produced around the world.

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