Energy 4 Businesses

Date Title Summary
08-27-2014 Q & A on Electric Choice

Questions and Answers on Electric Choice

08-18-2014 Lights Out On Edison

Edison bulbs are a trend, but they are not earth-friendly.  Is it time to turn the lights out on Edison?

08-06-2014 Look for the ENERGY STAR Logo

It's time to trade out the energy-sucking conventional appliances in your home for the energy and environmental-friendly ENERGY STAR appliances, saving you money in the long run.

Did You Know?

Today the United States is the second largest producer of hydropower - Canada being the largest. There are 75,185 dams in the U.S. but less than 3 percent are used for hydroelectric generation. Between 8 and 12 percent of U.S. electrical generation is produced by hydropower and only about one-fifth of the electricity produced around the world.

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